Jay Fagan and Rebecca Kaufman (2015). Co-parenting relationships among low-income, unmarried parents: perspectives of fathers in fatherhood programs. Family Court Review, Vol. 53 No. 2, 304–316
Abstract: The current study examined low-income, unmarried, nonresidential fathers’ engagement in co-parenting with the child’s mother. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 71 fathers attending nine different fatherhood programs in five cities that serve low-income, primarily unmarried, nonresidential fathers. The results revealed that co parenting in this sample of fathers is a multidimensional construct that includes both negative and positive components. Our results also point to specific behaviors or indicators that seem to be unique to this population of fathers and mothers and that should be used to inform the development of measures of co-parenting. The need for such measurement development is important given the growing number of unmarried, nonresident fathers and the resources that are currently being invested by federal, state, and local governments to improve low-income, unmarried, nonresidential fathers’ involvement with their children. Key Points for the Family Court Community: