Fathers’ Dosage in Community-based Programs for Low-income Fathers

Aug 2018 | Jay Fagan & Jessica Pearson

Jay Fagan & Jessica Pearson (2018). Fathers’ Dosage in Community-based Programs for Low-income Fathers. Family Process, 1-13.

DOI: 10.1111/famp.12416

Abstract: Community-based programs for low-income fathers often struggle to get fathers to attend services and activities. This paper reviews the literature examining approaches to measuring dosage in fatherhood programs, rates of dosage, influences on dosage, and the associations between dosage and fathers’ outcomes. Studies were limited to programs that conducted randomized control trials, quasi-experimental studies, and one-group pretest/ post-test designs. Although most programs report low or moderate dosage levels, some programs achieve high levels of fathers’ participation in parenting, coparenting, and economic security classes. Few studies examined dosage in relation to father outcomes. All but one of seven studies reporting effects showed that higher dose levels had positive associations with outcomes such as engagement with children, parenting satisfaction and self-efficacy, perception of coparenting quality, payment of child support, and earnings from work. This paper discusses future directions for studying father’s dosage in fatherhood programs.



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