Fatherhood in the child welfare system: Evaluation of a pilot project to improve father involvement

Aug 2015 | Diana J. English, Sherry Brummel & Priscilla Martens

Abstract: Fathers provide emotional and physical, as well as financial support to their children. However, little is known about public child welfare policies and practices related to involving fathers and fathers' families in case planning and services to children involved in child welfare services. This article reports on the results of a pilot project designed to improve child welfare principles, policies, and practices related to the involvement of fathers in the lives of children served in one Northwest public child welfare agency. The pilot project provided training on father involvement in child welfare decision processes and evaluated changes in practice over time. The evaluation included an assessment of agency policy and practice, an assessment of social workers' perceptions regarding fathers' involvements in the lives of their children, and examination of actual social work practices related to father involvement over time. Changes in key areas of policy, beliefs regarding father involvement in child welfare case practice, and changes in actual involvement of fathers and fathers' families in practice were suggested.

Brummel, S., Martens, P., & English, D. (2009). Fatherhood in the child welfare system: Evaluation of a pilot project to improve father involvement. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 3(3), 213-234. doi:10.1080/15548730903129764



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