Fatherhood - Family-focused, Interconnected, Resilient, and Essential (FIRE)

Mar 2020

From the Office of Family Assistance: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Family Assistance (OFA) announces its plan to solicit applications for the competitive award of grants that support "activities to promote responsible fatherhood" under each of the three broad categories of promoting or sustaining marriage, responsible parenting, and economic stability activities authorized under Section 403(a)(2) of the Social Security Act.  The Fatherhood Family-focused, Interconnected, Resilent, and Essential Grants (Fatherhood FIRE) will be targeted exclusively to projects designed for adult fathers, defined as fathers that are age 18 and older.  Eligible fathers (or father figures) must have children who are age 24 or younger.  Fathers will include those in the general population (or "community fathers"), as well as fathers who are currently incarcerated and are returning, or have returned, to their families and communities following incarceration.  

Applicants will be strongly encouraged to submit a proposal to implement one specific program model designed for one specific service population – e.g., rural community fathers, reentering fathers, or urban community fathers– but not multiple models for multiple populations.  ACF is interested in funding a diverse range of projects, from high impact projects, to moderate scope projects, to smaller scope projects. Applicants must provide evidence of organizational capacity to implement their proposed project.

The estimated post date for this funding opportunity is March 23, 2020. Learn more at the link below. 



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