Participation Dosage in Key to Kāne: A Pilot Text-Messaging Intervention for Fathers

Feb 2020 | Selva Lewin-Bizan, David “Kawika” Mattos & Edeluisa M. Baguio-Larena

Key to Kāne is a pilot, technology-assisted, text-messaging intervention for fathers of children aged 0 to 12, delivered in Hawai’i that focuses on topics having the potential of supporting father involvement. Through FRPN-funding, University of Hawai'i researchers assessed both the determinants of the extent to which participating fathers read text messages (i.e., reading dosage) and whether different reading dosages differentially affect intervention outcomes.

Findings of this study indicate that many fathers do not read any messages, while many others read most or all messages. Additionally, quantitative analysis suggests that higher reading dosage does not encourage fathers’ engagement with their children. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander fathers were more likely than non-Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander fathers to be in the no-dosage group; fathers with more children were more likely than fathers with a smaller number of children to be in the no-dosage group; and fathers who experience no socioeconomic challenges were more likely to be in the high-dosage group.

The full study can be downloaded below. Review the executive summary or download the summary report

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