Ronald Cox

Ronald Cox
Ronald Cox, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Extension Specialist, Human Development and Family Science, Oklahoma State University
B.A., Harding University, M.A., University of Louisiana Monroe, Ph.D., Michigan State University

Ronald has worked in the responsible fatherhood field for seven years. He has been the primary evaluator for a community-based program for unwed parents designed to increase father involvement. Ronald has also studied how Latino fathers mediate the influence of parent-child acculturation gaps on youth alcohol use. Most recently he has developed a curriculum for divorcing parents that aims to increase father involvement post-divorce and is currently conducting a pilot evaluation of this program.


Cox, R., Zapata Roblyer, M., Merten, M., Shreffler, K., Schwerdtfeger, K. (2013). Do parent-child acculturation gaps affect early adolescent Latino alcohol use? A study of the probability and extent of use. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy.

Cox, R., & Shirer, K. (2009). Caring For My Family: A pilot test of a relationship and marriage education program for low-income unwed parents. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 8(4), 343-364.

Cox, R. B., & Brosi, M. (2013). Co-Parenting for Resilience: Overcoming the Challenges of Divorce. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University.



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