We are excited to announce that the FRPN has selected our third group of funded projects. The researchers and their projects are as follows:
Armon R. Perry, The University of Louisville,
Kent School of Social Work and Aaron C. Rollins, Jr., The University of Louisville,
Department of Urban and Public Affairs. “Fatherhood and Coparenting” is an experimental study to assess how engaging mothers in workshops to inform them of skills fathers are learning in
4 Your Child, a New Pathways for Fathers project, impacts coparenting relationships. The mothers and fathers will also be invited to participate in a collaborative decision-making process to develop a written parenting plan. Data will be collected prior to and following the workshops as well as three and six months later.
Selva Lewin-Bizan, University of Hawaii. “A Text-Messaging Intervention to Deliver Parenting Ideas and Support to Low-Income Fathers.” This descriptive study will develop a 12-week text messaging intervention (FTMI) curriculum comprised of information about child development, tips for fathers to become more engaged with their children and encouragement of men in their roles as fathers. The study includes pre- and post-program assessments, focus groups and brief questionnaires administered through the app every three weeks.
Maui Family Support Services will recruit 120 fathers to participate.
Erin K. Holmes, Alan J. Hawkins and Kevin Shafer,
Brigham Young University. “A Meta-Analytic Synthesis of Responsible Fatherhood Program Evaluations.” This project will obtain published and unpublished reports of evaluation studies on fatherhood programs targeting nonresident and unmarried fathers. Once identified, the studies will be coded and entered into specialized software for meta-analysis to expand understanding of the effectiveness of fatherhood programs among those target audiences.
Qiana R. Cryer-Coupet,
North Carolina State University, Department of Social Work. “Understanding the Experiences and Needs of Nonresident Fathers in the Context of Kinship Care.” This assessment will examine the parenting experiences and needs of nonresident fathers with children living in formal and informal kinship care, as well as the experiences of fatherhood practitioners serving this population. The mixed-methods study includes qualitative interviews with 25 fathers and 12 fatherhood program practitioners and online surveys with child welfare workers who have completed training on engaging nonresident fathers.